Peo Quality improvement officer, Ms Lebogang Mokokwe was hired and joined the data strengthening team at Botswana-Upenn as of August 8, 2017. A meeting to introduce Lebo to pilot project teams and an opportunity to jointly discuss data strengthening needs and synergies was held on August 15, 2017. A brief overview of each of the pilot projects was provided, and Lebo’s key roles of for each project were outlined. Broadly, they include the following at selected facilities (2 facilities for breast cancer, 3 facilities for hypertension):

a) Mapping out data availability and flow: which of the core data elements are currently being entered electronically on PIMS or IPMS, level of completeness), by who, and workflow challenges/gaps that may hinder improved use of available health information system.

b) Assessing correctness of the entered electronic data compared with research data

c) Identifying solutions for improving utilitization of available eHIS,

d) Implementing readily feasible solutions (e.g. training health providers on IPMS), and measuring impact of health information QI efforts

e) Drafting report on current data practices, gaps, and resource needs for addressing gaps

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